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.: Darwin - Broome WA May 2013 |
This will be updated most nights except if we don't have mobile reception and that happens a bit in the Outback also if you have just joined us, please read from the bottom up. |
Day 26: 10 June - Adelaide River to Darwin 123 km Total 5019 km |
It seemed to take so long to pack up this morning, I don't if it was Out on the Stuart Highway for the last leg home we straightaway started counting caravans, in 75 kms we passed 56 vans and we had probably missed a lot as we did not leave until 10. I reckon the caravan industry is in pretty good shape. We called in to see Sharon, Josies daughter, on the way through but she was not home. Next stop was the car wash in Palmerston, it is the only one that we can take the van into. It was built to cater for boats but suits the van nicely. It is a lot easier cleaning it there than trying to do it a home.
Then it was off to Nightcliff for sunset, a drink and a yiros but the Harry the yiros man was not there....bugga! Still we had our cool beverage and enjoyed one of the best sunsets we had seen for a while. It was good to be home...kind of. It is always great to get back to familiar suroundings and your bed but, being on the road is very relaxing and great experiencing different things that this land has to offer. It is also very special that are doing it together. |
Day 25: 9 June - Victoria River to Adelaide River 394 km Total 4896 km |
Today got underway as normal, hitting the road around 9.30. Heading east into the sun meant that the escarpment of the Victoria River did not look as spectacular as it normally does. There was a lot more caravans on the road and Josie started to count them. A quick stop at Mathison rest area to boil the kettle. The drive through to Katherine goes through Savannah country, sparse trees and grasslands. We arrived at Katherine in time for lunch, it also gave us the chance to catch up on email and messages. Again we must have looked funny, sitting on the side of the road under a tree with the laptop.
The count on Caravans, Motorhomes and Camper
As we left for our sunset spot and parked up outside the roadhouse was one of the transporters for the V8 Supercars which is on at Hidden Valley in Darwin next weekend. Adelaide River is putting on a two day rodeo which we could see from the top of the hill overlooking Adelaide River. I can still hear the rodeo from the caravan. |
Day 24: 8 June - Lake Argyle - Victoria River 319 km Total 4502 km |
After getting the bond back on Malibu (she hadn't terrorised the The other thing we noticed straight away was the roads, they were in better condition and wider. Something you appreciate when you are pulling a large van and encountering triple Road Trains.
Victoria River is our stop for the night and the light on the red escarpment really looked impressive. We wanted to go some where other than the Old Crossing for sunset, so we asked the staff when we checked in and being temporary employed backpackers, they were as helpful It is quite funny, I am writing this outside the van, the cricket is on the TV and I have a beer in hand and other campers going past are making all sorts of comments....life doesn't get any better. Whilst finishing this off, I saw some movement in the tree above me, I grabbed the spotlight and found a very small Sugar Glider, a really cute little chap, unfortunately he did not hang around long enough for me to get a shot. |
Day 23: 7 June - Lake Argyle 157 km Total 4183 km |
It was very pleasant sitting under a tree by the lake with the birds. This could easily become my new office. With a bit of extra time up our sleeve we decided to do a sunset cruise on Lake Argyle. We booked that, then grabbed some supplies and made our way back to Lake Argyle.
Greg made his way around the lake giving a interesting and humorous commentary as we went. There were a number of Freshwater Crocodiles on the banks as the water was getting a little cooler. Fish feeding Unfortunately it was fairly overcast and this did not make for great colour in the rock and it was looking fairly bleak for sunset. We arrived at a fairly sheltered bay for a sunset swim. We stayed top side having a nice beer and left the swimming to others. There was very unusual cloud formation that came good at the right time. It was a very good cruise and we will be back to do a Wet Season cruise with Greg, that should provide a totally different spectacle. |
Day 22: 6 June - Halls Creek to Lake Argyle 430 km Total 4026 km |
We got away from Halls Creek in good time, refuelled and hit the road. A lot of the bridges are single lane over a lot of dry river beds and it is quite a contrast to what a lot of these crossings would look like in the wet. Our plan was to stop for the night at Doon Doon as I had heard of some great scenery around there that would have been great to photograph. As we approached Doon Doon we saw a sign showing that the caravan park and accomodation had been crossed out...not looking good. Sure enough, when we got there, the park gates were closed and a sign saying "closed for maintainence until next season". Oh well, now we go to plan "B", we went through to There was noboby there when we arrived, we set up our table and chairs at the lookout but soon after, a heap of kids turned up with their parents. They go nuts over Malibu and mob her and Josie. While this was happening, I managed to get a couple of shots. We then went back to the van and finished setting up and cooked a nice meal. |
Day 21: 5 June - Fitzroy Crossing to Halls Creek 308 km Total 3596 km |
After fueling up, we headed north. I had downloaded some new POI's to my new GPS but, the GPS did not like it and was not working. We pulled up at Ngungan Cliffs and I tried to undo what I had done last night but Next stop Mary's Pool, a free camping spot. There were quite a few vans parked up there. It is a nice spot with plenty of shade. We took a wander around and went back to the van for some lunch. It was very pleasant sitting in the shade with Budgies, Crows, Bowerbirds and lots of others in the trees above us.
Setting up in Halls Creek found me having further issues with our satelite disk and could not pick up a signal, luckily we could pick up the local TV signal. We went up the highway for sunset and found a small track off the the highway with a nice tree to make a subject for the sunset. We must have looked funny sitting beside the highway, we got a few Toots and waves while we enjoyed our nice drop of red.
Day 20: 4 June - Derby to Fitzroy Crossing 288 km Total 3288 km |
After partially packing up the van, I went to do my calls which didn't take too long. We got some fuel and a course of antibiotics to have on hand. As we were leaving Derby we got a call from Greg to say that it looked as though the warehouse was about to be leased out...fantastic news! Just on the outskirts of town there was a diversion as a semi car carrier had bellied on the road and we had to make a detour. How he got it bellied, I have no idea but certainly made a meal of it. Pulled into our usual stop at Ellendale for lunch and there were quite a few vans parked up there. We had lunch and moved on. A short run in to Fitzroy Crossing where we stayed at the same park, Fitzroy River lodge. In setting up I had a heap of issues with getting a signal from the satellite dish, after a heap of mucking around I found that our LNB was faulty. Luckily I had a spare albeit only a single one but at least we got Austar. I had had issues in Derby where I could not get a signal but I was blaming some trees from blocking the signal. We headed off for the usual sunset drinks but could not find a nice spot before the sun went down so we pulled up on the side of the road at a spot that was not even worth a photo, |
Day 19: 3 June - Derby 24 km Total 3000 km |
Today was a little bit of a none event as it was Foundation day holiday here in WA but that gave me I have a couple of sales calls to do in the morning, these should have been done last week but my getting crook stuffed that up. After finishing work we caught up with John and Peggy Clements. John was looking a heap better than when we saw him a week or so back. After spending a bit of time with them we went back out to where the Prison Tree is and there is a huge cattle trough fed by Myall's bore. The bore was first sunk in 1910-11 and feeds a very long trough that could water 500 head of cattle at a time. |
Day 18: 2 June - Broome to Derby - 243 km Total 2976 km |
We left behind some new friends that had left Broome a few days earlier but were back because an airbag on their Land Rover Discovery had blown out and were stuck in Broome waiting for a new airbag to be flown in and fitted. We hope to catch up with Steve & Patty as the make their way north once the repairs are completed. It was good to be back on the road. We stopped halfway to Derby as we still need to take it easy and make sure I look after the legs.
We went down to the "Prison Tree". It is a very old Boab tree that was used in the 1890's as lockup for Aboriginal prisoners on their way to Derby for sentencing. It is fenced off now but I have been inside the tree many year ago and it is amasing how much room there is in there. After looking for a nice boab that would make a good sunset shot, which we did not find, we went down the wharf and got eaten alive while the sun went down over King George Sound. |
Day 17: 1 June Broome - 69 km Total 2733 km |
Well last night was very windy, buffeting the van a fair bit and blowing our satellite disk over.
Malibu had a check up with the local vet after he put her on heart medication, Our supplies were replenished getting ready for the return journey. Russell met us at Entrance Point where it was quite windy, cool and not a sunset in sight, still quite pleasant down by the water. |
Day 16: 31 May Broome - 140km Total 2664 km |
We then drove over to Barred Creek, a really nice spot that I had been a few years before. There were a lot more tracks than I remembered and I took a few wrong turns. We did not end up where I wanted to go but we did end up on the coast where there was a beautiful beach and some really unusual rock/sandstone formations. We made our way back to Broome where I had to do some ordering for work so, we went down to Town Beach, set up the table and chairs and had lunch whilst I completed my orders. It was very pleasant. I had to attend my appointment so I dropped Josie in Town and she could do some shopping while I did my call. That completed, we grabbed our dinner and a bottle of vino and went down to Entrance Point. No sunset but Malibu had a good walk on the beach. We had planned to cook Sausages and Garlic bread on the beach but it was too windy. So, we just had a wine enjoying the Sea and then went back to the caravan park and had our meal there. |
Days 12 - 15: 27 - 30 May - Broome - 88 km Total 2524 km |
One night we were able to catch up the Clements family on Cable Beach for sunset which was good. We also had a few drinks at Matso's another night. Matso's is great little micro brewery that produces a ice array of beers including a Chilli and a Mango beer. The legs were on the mend and I have been able to do a few sales calls, hopefully I am back on top of things now. |
Day 11: 26 May - Derby to Broome 231 km - 2436 km |
After leaving Derby we stopped at one of the bridge crossings on the Fitzroy River and made a cuppa. While we were there a heavy wide load came through that overhung the sides on the one lane bridge. A bit of a tight squeeze. We were there for about an hour. We stopped another couple of times on the way to rest my leg, that made it slow progress. There are heaps of caravan parks in Broome but only one will except dogs and that was full. The council had set up an overflow park and we were lucky enough to get into that, well kind of. Where we were parked there a heap of thorns in the grass, caltrop like we experienced at my bothers last year in Waikerie. It is terrible stuff, going straight through your thongs and not good for Malibu.
The Stairway to the Moon is a spectacle that occurs on a full moon at low tide. As the moon rises, its reflection across the mud flats give the impression a stairway up to the moon. I was spewing that I was not fit enough to capture the occasion. The girls bought back a feed from the markets for us and that ended an enjoyable evening. |
Day 10: 25 May - Derby 54 km - Total 2205 km |
This was a day to be taking it all fairly easy, the leg needed plenty of rest. We did We then went down to the wharf where I wanted to Johns 90th birthday party started at 7pm. It was quite a big affair with a band and probably over 120 guests. It was all catered for by the family and it was really good tucker. It was unfortunate that we could really mingle but still managed to catch up with a lot of the family. Kylie (Johns daughter) had made a beautiful black Forrest Cake with a photo of John in his Air Force uniform. It looked great. It was a good night. |
Day 9: 24 May - Derby 4km - Total 2151 km |
My temperature had stabilized thank goodness. Once the Doctor had been around to see me (lunchtime), I was OK to go. My left leg was still pretty hot and a bit sore so I need to keep it up as much as possible. I was supposed to see a couple of customers here in Derby but, that was out of the question at the moment. After having a bit of a rest (and catch up with some work), we went around to see John Clements (Josie's ex Father-in-law) as it was his 90th birthday celebration tomorrow. We wanted to give him his present before the party and catch up with him and Peggy before the crowds. We couldn't stay long as I needed to get my leg up. |
Day 8: 23 May - Fitzroy Crossing to Derby 264 km - Total 2147 km |
What a day, I started packing up and noticed that my joints were quite sore and it seemed like the onset of the wog. As we headed toward Derby, I was getting worse and I had a feeling it may be my Lymphoedema coming on. As there is no hospital in Fitzroy Crossing, I thought it best that we get to Derby as soon as we could. A fever started to set in and I was in quite a bit of pain. The trip was only 260 odd kilometres but it seemed to take forever. We got into Derby and booked into the van park, I got the caravan setup before going to the local hospital as I thought that I could be admitted, I wanted to have it done for Josie. Sure enough, they decided to keep me in overnight, it could have had something to do with my temperature being 39.8 degrees. I must say, it is a great little hospital, fairly modern with great staff. |
Day 7: 22 May - Halls Creek to Fitzroy Crossing 365 km - Total 1883 km |
A little overnight rain had fallen and it was a little cooler, a very comfortable 22 degrees.
We arrived at Fitzroy Crossing around lunchtime staying at the Fitzroy Crossing Lodge. I have stayed here on a few occasions but never in the caravan park. It is a well designed park which is prone to wet season flooding. All amenities and buildings are either on high ground or on stilts. The Fitzroy River in the wet season is second only to the Amazon in volume where, 2 cubic kilometres of water a minute can flow under the bridge.
Day 6: 21 May - Kununurra to Halls Creek 456 km - Total 1518 km |
We packed up from under the Mango trees and a big thank you to Geoff for This road had numerous floodways and therefore very prone to wet season flooding and this could mean the highway being cut for days on end. Now they have put in a heap of bridges and made the old floodways and old road into great roadside stops. They are a good place to stop for lunch or even an Halls Creek is a place that is not on top of peoples "most see" lists but some of its surrounds are, the Bungle Bungles and Wolf Crater. We have stayed in the caravan park before, which wasn't so great but this trip, it is still basic but very clean and has everything you need. We picked up some supplies from the local supermarket, a little expensive but had more variety than we expected. After that we tried to find a spot for a sunset drink and photograph. We didn't the shot I was looking for but, I managed to get a shot of a dead tree with a nice sunset. |
Day 5: 20 May - Kununurra - 69 km - Total 1062 km |
Today was a work day for me, Picked Josie up for a late lunch, which we had at a nice little cafe that was decorated with some great old and rustic relics from around the area. It looked great and the food was good. We replenished the supplies (mainly beer & wine), ready for the next leg of the journey. After finishing off some work,we decided to check out some storm clouds that were building around the area. We enjoyed a small and distant light show over Lake Kununurra. |
Day 4: 19 May - Lake Argyle to Kununurra - 154 km Total: 998 km |
When I got back to camp, Josie have been for a walk around the park and took me for a look. Great views over the lake and near the cliffs edge, they have built a beautiful infinity pool with a pretty special view. We then went for a drive across the dam wall and down to A short run into Kununurra and we met up with our new host, a friend of a friend Geoff, who has a Mango orchard on the banks of the Ord River, just out of town. It is a shady spot in amongst the Mango trees with all the comforts, water, power, toilet and shower. Josie had a quick clean of the toilet and shower area (it wasn't dirty just had not been used for quite some time and in doing that she found a little insect Bat in the shower curtain. I got a shot of the little fella before it flew out (much to Josie's relief).
We went up to Kellys Knob, overlooking the town, for sunset. It wasn't too bad but not a great spot to relax and enjoy the show. |
Day 3: 18 May - Victoria River to Lake Argyle - 364 km Total: 844 km |
I got up early the catch the sunrise along the escarpment, mother nature did not go to plan, I did no After having smoked salmon & egg muffins for breakfast (we slum it), we finished packing up and headed west. On approach to Timber Creek I had a heap e-mail and messages come through. It was the first mobile reception since leaving Katherine. After some lunch we got underway to Lake Argyle. I couldn't believe it when we got the the caravan park, there was a queue We set up the camp and made for the secret spot, a rough track in but a |
Day 2: 17 May - Pine Creek to Victoria River - 261km Total: 480 km |
Well, there were no issues during the night, thank goodness but talking to a lady, the police were called in to look for the man who had been wandering around during the night but they did not find him. I took the opportunity to photograph some birds in the Caravan park as there is always heaps to be found. Red wing Parrots were in the tree above our van, heaps of Blue-faced Honeyeaters and had a surprise visit from a Northern Rosella. Packing up was a bit slow as each time I saw a bird, I would grab the camera. Next stop, Katherine where we were going to get a couple of
A nice run down the beautiful Victoria River Valley and as we went across the bridge We got to Victoria River about 3pm and set up. We then went for a drive down to the boat ramp hoping to catch the Purple-crowned Fairy-wren but to no avail, not even hearing one. There were heaps of Wallaby's in the paddocks around there. We moved on to the Old crossing where we had our usual sunset drinks but there wasn't much of a sunset. Very pleasant all the same. |
Day 1: 16 May -Darwin to Pine Creek - 219km |
I had a frantic morning at work trying to get everything completed before hitting the road. We got underway at 2.30. We had made a couple of modifications to the van, one being the fitting of a rear view camera. This has made life a lot easier on the road, mind you, I now see what some idiots are doing behind us and they are out there. The countryside was certainly drying out quickly but oddly, around Adelaide River we had some very light rain. Just enough to make the rig very dirty and a pain to try and clean. It has been a very strange wet (or not so wet) season with rainfall around half of the average. We went straight through to Pine Creek, without the usual comfort stops except, 10 mins out of Pine Creek, Malibu decided she needed her stop. We pulled into the Lazy Lizard and setup. As we were a little late getting in, we did not go for the usual drive to a sunset spot. We had dinner and as we were eating it, an Aboriginal came to our caravan looking for beer. I moved him on but Josie was concerned about it and would not go outside without me. We have stayed here a few times but had not had this sort of issue before. |